The Next Generation: Holly Bazley

Seeing Science

Holly Bazley, London-based SciArtist, refuses to do anything but think outside the box, and insists that audiences and viewers do the same. As the designer of the multi-media interactive board game, “Biotical: The Game of Resistance,” Bazley’s outside-the-box-thinking provides an excellent source of both inspiration and education in the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic. Bazley’s work tackles issues of health and medicine, such as antibiotic misuse, and encourages communication and collaboration among players. Such concepts and activities are more essential than ever in today’s scientific and artistic climates. Allow Holly Bazley to take the first turn in engaging and informing, and you’ll find yourself freshly introduced to a world of seeing science through art.

Part One: Who is Holly Bazley?

Question #1: Who are you?

“I call myself a SciArtist (which is a combination of scientist and artist) because I’m a person who strongly believes there is no single box for an individual. I’ve got dyslexia and really struggled at school but I’ve always used Art as a way to cope with my academic problems. During my Interactive Arts degree in Manchester I was able to study and explore the science I was interested in without the tests and pressure of school. At university, I found a community of artists who were also passionate about sciences.”

Question #2: Who are you as an artist?

I am a multi-media socially engaged artist, who’s interests reside mainly in the connection between Art and Science. I create work that links scientific research and communicates it in easy and playful ways. People can touch, play and have stimulating debates in regards to my work and I invented a board game called ‘Biotical: The game of resistance’ about society’s misuse of antibiotics.”

Question #3: What has led you to this point in your life?

“Right now, I’m living in London and I’m searching for places in schools, museums and galleries to test my experiments out to help educate the next generation on how to use antibiotics. There’s a lot we can learn from Artists and Scientists in the aftermath of the Coronavirus on what’s essential for us to stay alive, for our physical and mental health. I want to connect with the younger generation and listen to the conversations they are having on how to shape a better world.”

Question #4: What motivates you to create?

“It’s a combination of a physical need to stimulate my brain and deal creatively with mental health issues that I face. However I feel a great despair for the many issues in society and I want to use my skills as an artist to help solve them. It’s also a way I can communicate, play, and encourage learning with others, creativity applies to all aspects of my life.”

Part Two- Biotical: The Game of Resistance

A chance card and the chance dice roll.
Mixed media, wood with laser-cut engraving, card.
Plastic with laser-cut engraving and fake antibiotic pills.
Mixed media, wood with laser-cut engraving, fake antibiotic pills.
Board game contents in medical first aid box.
Mixed media, wood, plastic, fake antibiotic pills.
A photo of my board game being played and enjoyed by students.
Mixed media, wood, card, fake antibiotic pills, and digital prints.

Where/ How can Vacant Museum viewers see more of your work and where can they purchase it?

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